Electronic Journal of University of Aden for Basic and Applied Sciences (EJUA-BA) publishes original research papers together with review articles and short-communication. Submission of a manuscript to EJUA-BA includes that it is not under consideration by any other journal, and no part has been published elsewhere. All of the authors have to be aware of the submission.


Manuscript Handling Processes:

Any manuscript follows ten steps.      

1- Submission New Manuscript

2- Submission Sent Back to Author

3- Submission Waiting for Author's Approval

4- Submission Being Processed for Revisions

5- Submission Needing Revision

6- Revisions Sent Back to Author

7- Revisions Waiting for Author's Approval

8- Revisions Being Processed  

9- Submission with a Decision

10- Submission with Production Completed


The author must format the manuscript according to the rules of the journal mentioned below.



The author submits his formatted manuscript to [email protected] via e-mail attachment as a single Microsoft Word file.


Review Procedure:

Authors are expected to receive the reviewer’s comment within four weeks following by editorial verification. Incomplete manuscript and papers not written according to instruction will be returned to the author without sending to reviewers. Revised manuscript should be returned.


Acceptance Procedure:

Accepted manuscripts will be limited to a maximum pages count of 20 pages.

The authors should certify that the paper sent is original and no part of it has been published before or being considered for the publication in any other journal.


Guidelines for manuscript:

Manuscripts should be typewritten on an A4 page size having ‘1’ line-spacing throughout the text. The margins size should be 2.25cm (top and bottom) and 1.90 cm (left and right) and pages should be consecutively numbered on the bottom. English or Arabic manuscript should be written in Times New Roman style using ‘10’ font size.

Words to be printed in italics should appear as italics in the manuscript.


For original research paper, the manuscript MUST arrange in the following order:           - Title page includes: Title, Authors names, affiliations and e-mail address for corresponding author with superscripted asterisk sign (*), Abstract, and Keywords in the main manuscript language,

- Introduction,

- Materials and methods,

- Results and Discussion (together or separated),

- Conclusions,

- Acknowledgements (if necessary),

- References,

and finally [Title, Authors names and affiliations, Abstract, Keywords] in a second language.

(Check a template on the site)


The Title page should contain the TITLE (bold and capitalize all letters), the name(s) of the author(s), the name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out, including a valid e-mail address and ORCID link (if possible) for the corresponding author along with a phone number. The Title of the manuscript should be concise.

The Abstract should not exceed 300 words and contains brief summary of method, findings and conclusions of the study. It should be independent of the text and should not contain abbreviations or bibliographical references.

Authors MUST mention 3-5 Keywords in alphabetical order separated by semicolons.

Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, and Discussion (or Results and Discussion together) MUST be written in Times New Roman, bold with 11 font size, and numbered in sequence. Related Sub-title MUST be written in italic and take second level numbering (i.e. 1.1, 1.2…2.1…etc.)    

  1. Introduction should include the previous studies that are related to the research.


  1. Materials and methods should include complete enough details about used materials, instruments and working method to allow experiments to be produced.


  1. Results and Discussion MUST be presented with clarity and precision, and discussed the research results with the results obtained in previous studies.



Appear before acknowledgment section if needed.


Acknowledgement (if any) can be used to acknowledge the help of those who contribute in part of your research.


  1. Conclusion

A conclusion MUST include advantages, limitations, and applications and don’t repeat the abstract.


References are important to the readers; therefore, each citation must be complete and correct. If it is possible, all references should be available publications.

Citations should be consecutively numbered using square brackets [1] according to the IEEE referencing style. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2]. Multiple references [1, 3, 7] or a range of references [3-8] should appear within a single set of brackets. In sentences, refer simply to the reference number, as in [8]. Do not use “Ref. [9]” or “reference [9]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Author1 and Author2 in [9] show(ed)...” or “Author1 et al in [9] show(ed)”.

Examples of using IEEE referencing style at Reference section:

[1] E. A. Ali, K. S. Ali, and R. M. Alsubaihi, “Clinical Features and Hematological Parameters in some Chikungunya Patients, Yemen”, EJUA-BA, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 100-104, Jun. 2020.

[2] A. A. M. Saeed, T. A. A. Salem, and M. Akram, “Influence of TTAB/14-S-14 Micelles on the Rate of the Condensation between Ninhydrin and Mercury-Dipeptide Complex in Absence and Presence of Salts and Organic Solvents: A Kinetic Approach”, EJUA-BA, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-13, Mar. 2020.

[3] A. A. Al-Gonah and W. K. Mohammed, “Certain Extension of the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Function and its Properties”, EJUA-BA, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 39-48, Mar. 2020.

 [4] ع. س. س. الحوشبي و ع. ف. ح. ق. س. الحجيلي، "دراسة تصنيفية على تحت العائلة الفراشية Papilionoideae = Faboideae في مديرية حبيل جبر، محافظة لحج، الجمهورية اليمنية"، EJUA-BA، م 1, عدد 1, ص 61-68, 2020.



Place tables as close as possible to the text they refer to and aligned center. A table is labeled Table and given a number (e.g., Table 4: Effect of temperature on pseudo-first-order rate constants (kobs/ky) and thermodynamic parameters for the reaction of Hg(II)–Gly-L-Ala complex with ninhydrin.) it should be numbered consecutively. The table label and caption or title appears 8pt space above the table, 10pt space after the text or paragraph if any; it should be uniforms fonts and font size, and use 10pt font size and Times New Roman style and aligned center. Sources and notes appear below the table, aligned left. All tables must be in portrait orientation.


All illustrations are called Figures and should be referred to as Figure at the start of the sentence. Figures should be numbered serially and should appear in text in order. Place figures as close as possible to the text they refer to and aligned center. Photos, graphs, charts or diagram should be labeled Figure (do not abbreviate) and appear 8pt space below the figure, 11pt space before the next text or paragraph, and assigned a number consecutively. The label and title should be in line with the figure number (e.g., Figure 1: Mapping nonlinear data to a higher dimensional feature space), it should be uniforms fonts and font size; use 10pt font size and Times New Roman style and aligned center. Source (if any) appear underneath, flush left. Figures should be at good enough quality.

Clear digital photographs (high resolution) are accepted in TIF or JPEG formats.    Field photographs must contain a scale.

Map keys should be given on map or figure, not as numbered boxes.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

If required, appear after second language page, you MUST define in full name all your abbreviations at the first time used, even if you have already used it in abstract. Do not abbreviation in title, do not use space between the abbreviations such as C. D. S., but use CDS.   


Publication Fees: The publication fee is 25000 Yemeni Rials for Yemeni researchers and 70 Us dollars for foreign researchers.