
  • Huda Ahmed Salem Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Aden
  • Samira Abdulla Mahmood Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Aden
  • Khaled Saeed Ali Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Aden



Hypertension, C-reactive protein, Inflammation, Blood pressure, Neutrophil


Many studies showed the association between inflammation and Hypertension. Inflammatory markers may highlight the state of inflammation in hypertensive patients. This study aimed to investigate impact of antihypertensive drugs on high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR). A comparative cross sectional study was conducted on 86 hypertensive patients attending cardiology outpatient clinic in Al-Gamhuoria Modern General Hospital, Aden, in the period from October to December 2023. Participants were divided into three groups: patients treated with mono-therapy from inhibitors of renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAASI), patients treated with mono-therapy antihypertensive not acting on RAAS (NRAASI) and patients treed with combination of them (drug combination). Data on Age, Sex, BP level, BMI, duration of hypertension (HTN), family history of HTN, and medications used were collected. Blood samples for measuring HsCRP, neutrophils, lymphocytes were drawn. Descriptive statics and chi-square tests were used for data analysis. Almost equivalent distribution for males and females between groups, with a large proportion of the patients within each group laid in the age group 35-55 years. The median values of hypertension duration were 36, 48, and 54 months for RAASIs, NRAASIs and drug combination group, respectively. The target BP was obtained by 46.9% 45.5% and 50% of patients treated with RAASIs, NRAASIs and drug combination respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between SBP and DBP in patients with controlled BP and those with uncontrolled SBP levels and treated by different drug regimens (P=0.000 for each Bp level). There were significant differences between values of hs-CRP of patients with controlled (P=0.000) or uncontrolled (P=0.046) BP and treated with different modalities. The median differences in NLR between the groups were statistically significant; including groups of all patients P=.032, of patients having controlled BP P=0.014 as well as uncontrolled BP P=0.038. Comparing the uncontrolled of BP of the three groups we found the highest prevalence (9.3%)of patients with uncontrolled BP and had the lower level hsCRP (≤3mg /l) was in RAASIs group, while those with higher prevalence (11.6%) of uncontrolled BP and higher level of hs-CRP ( >3mg/l) was in drug combination group. In conclusion, hypertensive patients treated with RAASI, NRAASI and drug combination and reached BP target showed significant reduction in hsCRP and NLR. Patients with uncontrolled BP treated with RAASIs revealed slightly lower hs-CRP than other groups. Careful selection of antihypertensive drugs may affect risks of CVD. This study recommends further prospective studies exploring the anti-inflammatory effect of antihypertensive drugs to ameliorate possible risks of cardiovascular disease.


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How to Cite

Salem, H. A. ., Mahmood, S. A. ., & Ali, K. S. . (2024). IMPACT OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS ON C REACTIVE PROTEIN (HS-CRP) AND NEUTROPHIL LYMPHOCYTE RATIO (NLR). Electronic Journal of University of Aden for Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(3), 277–287.